Sunday, September 28, 2008

7 year itch!

M's ex-boyfriend has 7 years to sit in jail and scratch the itch he has to beat on someone! Praise Jesus he is out of her life! I was ecstatic when I got to the park today and saw her with a beautiful smile!
She said that on Tuesday (the day she was to go to court) she was hanging around a certain street and a policeman told her she had to leave. She told him that was fine because she was suppose to be in court in 15 minutes. So guess what....HE GAVE HER A RIDE TO THE COURTHOUSE! Are you seeing Jesus in any of this yet? Peace was oozing out of M. today!
Wednesday she gets her check. So this week she will get off the street and into a boarding house! She promised me that I could spend the day with her. We are going to get her set up in her new room!
The last thing she said to me today is that she was heading to the canal to take a bath.
My thoughts on her comment?
"Please God, don't let me take my comfy life for granted."

Saturday, September 27, 2008

No birthday girl in sight...

So, most of you know that I have been helping out with a feeding program each Sunday afternoon. It really is not an organization, just a bunch of people, helping people. That is our, "unofficial, official" name! Most of the people we feed are homeless or live in the very run down housing in the downtown area.
A lady that comes nearly every Sunday had a HORRIBLE black eye over the summer. Not only was it black, it was swollen shut. When I asked her what happened, she told me that she had been in a car accident. Ok, so that explains the cuts on her forehead also.
Two weeks ago, she showed up with another black eye. When I inquired about it, she said not to worry that "he" was in jail and would not be hurting her anymore. UGH, why did this not occur to me that the guy she is always with is beating her? Last week she allowed me to talk to her and more important, she let me pray for her. She asked for prayer of strength. She wanted God's strength to show up to court on Tuesday to press charges against her boyfriend of 4 years. She was afraid that if she did press charges that when he got out he would kill her. On the other hand, she knows she is only safe if he is locked up. She also apologized for not talking to me in the past. Comes to find out, she was was not "allowed" to talk to me because I ask too many questions. She promised me she would call me this week to let me know how things went in court. I never heard from her and my heart is very burdened.
Her name is M., and today is her birthday. I went downtown to try and find her today. No luck. I really wanted to take her to lunch. She needs to know that someone still finds her beautiful and loves her, a love that never hurts. She needs to meet Jesus.
My prayer is that she will show up for the feeding tomorrow. And, I hope that she does not have a boyfriend with her.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Teaching an old dog a new trick!

So, I am diving into the world of blogging! Maybe I am not too old to learn something new! Time will tell (-;

A question I hear all the time is, "What have you been up to?" Hmmm, what do I do to occupy my time? Well one word could sum up most of it right now. PUPPY! We added another four-legged member to our family a little over one month ago! Riley, is his name and boy has he required a lot of attention! Our other dog Abby, loves him to death! I just have to know where he is at all times as he is still not being responsible with his bladder!

Most of you know that I am headed back to Haiti! Yippeeee! Two weeks from today I leave! This will be my third trip over there. I am going with a team that totals 72 people. We will be staying at Northwest Haiti Christian Mission. I encourage you to check out their website @ Catastrophic flooding from tropical storms Gustav, Hanna and Ike have displaced thousands and escalated the food crisis in Haiti. Find out what the mission is doing and how you can help now.

I wish each of you a blessed Friday! Enjoy your weekend (-;