Saturday, December 17, 2011

Happy Birthday To Me!

I am hitting the "Publish Post" at the strike of midnight and I will turn another year older at the same time! Only by the grace of God, I have made it to see this ripe ol' age!
In celebration of turning 51, my goal is to do the same number of random acts of kindness in the next 51 days. Please give me suggestions as to what I can do!
It has been 2 years since I have posted last. Can I tell you how much I miss writing down my simple life and sharing my ramblings with those of you who are interested in reading? It saddens me when I reread my old posts. In some ways, I don't know that person any longer. That lady used to focus on being used by God. It saddens me because I feel like my life has gotten too busy to be that available to Him. My New Years Resolution, just decided on!
Gotten hit that is 11:59!
Peace, Love and Sunshine,