We made it home from Haiti late Saturday night after 18 hours of travel! Our travel going and coming from Haiti could not have gone smoother! Uneventful flying is always a good thing!
We stayed in Miami the night before we flew to Haiti. On the way walking to dinner, some in our group saw a homeless man sitting under the overpass. John and I collected 3 boxes of food from the Cuban Restaurant and took them to "E." While we were under the overpass sitting and talking to him, a police car showed up. Basically they stopped to move E's shopping cart full of his belongings out of view of traffic. When I asked why the cart had to be moved, they said that the president was about to come down the street. Ya, we would not want President Bush to see a homeless man in the U.S.A., right? E was a sweet man who had been on the streets for a long time. We made sure he knew Jesus, prayed for him, and then said our goodbyes.
Me and "E"
John and "E"
Driving from the small airport to the mission is always a culture shock. The poverty is indescribable. Pictures cannot make the Haitian's life real enough.
Our first full day in Haiti began with church! Going to church in Haiti is an all morning event! It was a morning full of singing... loud singing! The Haitian's put us Americans to shame when it comes to making a joyful noise unto The Lord! It does not matter if you can't carry a tune, just sing...loud! We were all blessed to worship the same God, even if we don't speak the same language! We broke bread with our Haitian brothers and sisters.
We spent the rest of Sunday sorting through all the donations a lot of you sent with our team. We had a ton of medical supplies and more than enough food for our team!
On Monday the mission was buzzing with excitement to start our week! I got to do devotions for all the people who work at the mission! What a cool way to start my day! After I got done with that, I headed to the minor surgery room. That was my assignment for the week. I got the awesome job of sharing Jesus with each patient and praying with them before their surgery! So after the first person accepted Christ, I explained baptism and asked the lady if she would like to be baptized. She said "Yes!" So I set off to find a pastor, only to find out there was not one at the mission at the moment. I did the only thing I knew to do. I grabbed my dear friend Jody, and asked her to help me baptize! It was one of the coolest moments of my life! That goes to prove that God can use the biggest of wretches! That was the beginning of a week full of decisions for Christ and baptisms!
On Thursday the generator went out for several hours so we took full advantage of leaving the mission and not feeling guilty! A bunch of us went to visit Sonel. He is a teenager we met last year. He fell out of a mango tree last summer and broke his back. He is now a paraplegic with a smile that will steal your heart! My good friend Pam, went to Haiti with me last year and fell in love with Sonel. She sent a suitcase full of Depends for him. Also donated for him was a DVD/CD player, movies, clothing and batteries for his blow up mattress. To sum up our visit with Sonel, he was on cloud nine for all the love shown to him!
How could you not fall in love with that smile?
From Sonel's, we went to the jail. We saw a man that had shown up to the mission earlier in the week to have a cut (and I use that word loosely, because it was HUGE and down to the bone), sewn up. He apparently got cut with a machete while trying to rob someone. There was another man in the cell with him and a lady in the cell next to them. We had a great time of testimony and prayer for all of them. The man with the cut, rededicated his life to Jesus! Afterward we gave them all a bunch of food we brought for them. However, the jailer would not allow us to feed them unless we fed him first! So, we fed him! It's all good!
As in my title to this blog, it truly was a trip of a lifetime! I did not want to leave on Saturday. God handpicked an amazing team to serve Him together. I am counting the days until I get to go back and love on the Haitians! They inspire me to rely more on God. That is all they have, and that is ALL they need!